Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just say no.

I'm the first too admit that my approach to weddings is probably a little more on the practical side than the romantic. I recently heard a story about a bride who had swans sashaying about during her ceremony. While she obviously thought this was fantastically romantic. All I could think about were the logistics of great big squawking beasts charging around attacking the guests, trying to make the great escape to freedom while pooing all over everything. I can however still appreciate the over all vision here - however shortsighted it may have been.

There are some things though that should quite simply just not be supported. At some point those who love you need to step in and save you from yourself. Particularly the groom - guys no matter what she tries to tell you, this is your day too and you are allowed to say NO. The point of the wedding should not be to completely emasculate the husband to be - personally I want to married to a Man, one who still has his nads.

The following should never have been allowed to happen:

Sure this cute - IF YOU'RE 5!!! Kevin where are your balls?

Please note the matching themed cake - the chipmunk can't even bear to watch.


Did Micky & Minny sign the registry too? *GAG*

And if the horror is not quite complete my personal favorites:

No matter the price, you just can't buy taste.

1 comment:

Lopz said...

Please tell me these happened in Vegas? Cos if you're blind drunk and in Vegas, perhaps you could be forgiven. Otherwise, Mickey Mouse's balls are on his head - 'nuff said!